Friday, 29 January 2016

Why You Can't Attract Money (And How To Get It)

You've read the books, gone to the seminars, taken the courses and done the meditations, but it's time to face facts: money isn't being magnetically drawn to you through the power of the Law of Attraction. Why not?

It's because money doesn't actually exist.

Money isn't even an energy.

Let that sink in for a minute.

The idea of money being something real is sold to us every day in modern society, but its true nature is slowly being revealed as money goes digital. Gradually the rest of us are starting to understand what the truly wealthy have known for ages: money is just a number scribbled down in a book somewhere.

It's important to start seeing money in those terms. Something written down somewhere isn't an energy, nor is it an object. It's just a statistic, like the score in a game or the odometer reading in your car. It has no more substance than the words you're reading right now, and no matter how much meditation and right-thinking you do, these words aren't going to change through the Law of Attraction.

Now here's the good news: if you're willing to see money for what it is, you can do something about it.

Money is just a score, or a reading on a dial. Essentially: it's a sign that something else is happening. This means that all we have to do is look at whatever is making that number appear.

So, if you want to "attract money" as they say, learn how money works. Where does it come from? How is it generated? How is it tracked? What are the details there? Once you've explored these things, you'll find many opportunities where focusing your mind and energy is extremely effective.

This is actually a lot easier and more pleasant than it sounds.

Here's an example: say you wished you earned more money in your job. This becomes an exercise in working out what you want: do you just want a raise, or would you like a promotion? Both are things that are quite easily addressed and worked towards. They're concrete ideas. But if you just focus on "bigger checks" and don't focus on the practicalities of how that might happen, you won't get any further than you already are.

Another example might be if you had a small business, and wanted it to earn more money. Again, this involves getting excited and involved in the nuances of the business itself, its place in the world, and how much good it does for people. The change is this: instead of your business being about earning money, money is about supporting the business. Earning money is just something that happens along the way.

It's understandable if you're not sure how to do this, If you'd like help making this work for you, get in touch and we'll explore some options. Contact me at .

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Tuesday, 12 January 2016

In Defense of Astrology and the 2012 Predictions That Didn't Happen

Photo credit: Ryan McGuire
I am by no means an astrologer, and have no opinion when it comes to most things people say about the zodiac. There's just too much information to process to make any sense out of it for me. I did get my chart done once by a qualified professional (hi there Liane), and it was quite staggering: every major surgery, injury, and major life change I had experienced up to that point (none of which I had mentioned to her) had been clearly indicated. She was right about the few years that followed as well.

This was enough to get my attention, so I've become a fan of a YouTube channel called Suspicious0bservers that shows daily footage of solar weather. As it turns out, our sun has a very active weather system that rotates past us fairly quickly every day. It's made up of things like sun spots (the dark patches), coronal filaments (arches of plasma), and coronal mass ejections (bits of the sun shot out into space). All of this directly affects two things here on Earth: major storms, and earthquake activity. There is an undeniable correlation - one predicts the other consistently.

What's interesting is how planetary alignment changes everything. Get two or more planets lined up, and some serious stuff happens on the sun. Here's a video mentioning an alignment that happened in 2015 that caused a huge blast of plasma to eject from the sun that, had it been facing us, would have killed us all in an instant:

If you watched this you might have caught his mention of another kill shot back in 2012.

Think about that for a second. If planetary alignments cause solar weather phenomena, and solar weather has a direct affect on what happens here on Earth, then maybe all of those 2012 predictions were true to a degree and the shot just happened to miss us. Maybe we're luckier than we know.

Of course, maybe it's not luck either. There's been something astronomers have noticed about solar weather called "the Earth-facing quiet". Whenever a major solar weather system rolls around to face the Earth, it calms down a bit until pointing away. It's like it knows we're here, and the energy gets focused elsewhere.

Now, I'm not going to tell you what it is that's doing that. It's important that you decide for yourself if that's God, or aliens, or Gaia, or the sun itself, or just crazy dumb luck that keeps protecting us here on Earth. I'm an existentialist - I'm in the camp that it's unknowable, and that it's better that way.

But one thing that can't be denied is that the alignment of planets really does have something to do with life on Earth, and that's something the Mayans could have predicted. It's possible. It's also possible that somehow we as humans have internal rhythms beyond the detection of science that control what we call "fate", and we're just catching a glimpse now of how that might work.

You know what I love so much about not knowing for sure? That there's so much more to discover!

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